What are you proud of but never got to tell anyone?
ECF logins
Does anyone else get warning sirens in their body when being close to certain people?
RAFFLE TIME AGAIN⚡️Raffle for 900 followers!
Would most people be surprised you have CPTSD?
Do yoy believe trauma is causing you to have a frustrated sex life?
What do you mean when you say you won't date someone who dates multiple people?
DAE feel like a freak? A weirdo?
Do nparents care if their children kill themselves?
how many of you are off caffeine forever
Introvert in a “boring” phase but still want to connect with a romantic partner. Is this an unreasonable desire?
Went to buy fountain pen paper and ink at a small Japanese stationery store while visiting SF and managed to nab their single Uniball Zento Signature that they were literally unpacking from the shipment box
It’s a thing that trauma traps you into feeling like you’re perpetually a child, right? Or is it just me …
Should I send this message?
How do you handle loneliness?
Who is someone you're really glad you met while dating?
What is it like being alone over 45?
Changing diagnosis officially, maybe?
ballpoint vs rollerball
is it normal to get used to being alone?
What made you leave your therapist?
Do you take it extra personal when people don't listen to you because of how your parents never listened?
Anyone else constantly fatigued?
A lonely parentified eldest daughter
Do you owe someone an explanation when you have lost interest within a month?