How to get the ren'py launch and sync extension for vs code to work? I need to clearer instructions than the ones they give.
I'm new to RenPy and I really need help figuring out how to make this font work. I have no idea what I'm doing. It keeps saying it can't find the font.
I wanna over(rule)come this minor phobia
I've got a school project to write a short story in 15 pages I decided to go for a science fantasy Dungeon Crawl type thing but I'm having a hard time ending it.
What's going on with Faron Sky?
I'm a simple being. If it makes conservatives mad, I click.
A known evil person who has done heinous things is hanging off a cliff, a pure and innocent person is hanging into them. Do you save them both or let them both die?
if we decode Susie's dialogues about eating chalk using the caesar cipher
I'm writing a story where one of my primary main characters is openly nonbinary using they/them pronouns from page one. Should I even bother posting it on Royal Road?
A note I wrote for myself at the bottom of my story. So that I can remind myself to keep going when I get discouraged. I've looked at it almost every day since.
I could use feedback on a portion of my story. Namely a fight scene and it's lead-up.
How much banter, or talking in general should be in an action scene, fighting or otherwise, and how do you make it good?
On a sub about trans people
I'm a transfem and I've been on hrt for almost a year. The back of my scalp really itches... I'm freaking out a bit...
I need help coming up with a game that would be both fun for the characters to play and interesting for the reader. I need something with at least sort of basic scoring system playable by three to four players (even better if it's three against one)
How do I stop this horrid Christian propaganda ad from showing up in feed?
Cursed Hypocrisy
a wrap posted in r/rap
Would you refer to a person with an alternative pronoun if they wanted to?
Suppose you could bring one mythical beast to life and train it to become your pet. Which do you pick?
I don’t understand anything
Weed or cocaine, what's worst for you?