Speeding fine metres off 100
Help us make sure our Daughters name is spelt correctly
Is the Aussie accent changing?
What’s something you did that actually put you into labour?
Midwife group program questions- discharge time from hospital?
What tips do you have for doing a DR?
After working at KFC for over a year, I’ll know exactly what someone will want just from profiling.
this but drarry
What's the most annoying thing that a customer can do?
avocado ready for battle
AITA for keeping my home "Too Warm" and not wanting to adjust it for my Boyfriend?
Not able to tip?? Australia
australian riteq app?
Does anyone know people named after fandoms in real life?
Have you ever hung up on a client/customer?
I want to change the spelling of my name but my mom is furious at the thought
Sucks being 5’8 and having low ceilings 😭
Girls of reddit what are the most obvious hints you've ever given a guy, and he didn't get it?
What helps you guys when it comes to your feet? I sometimes have open painful spots from climbing. Will that stop after a while?