Do you perfer mixing shrooms and acid or taking one or the other on its own?
Oddly shaped body of water in wetmore quarry
Talk to me about thc-a
Me at 20 or so, Me at 51
I used my dads entire dab pen
Ever felt like a little person driving a big person’s body?
A reminder that "legal" isn't always "safe"
We have a beagle group and my boy loves it!
what digests better you when it comes to beef?
Tripping in public
Opioid free knee replacement
Any of yall had a breakthrough on weed?
Ballpark, how much would it cost to mow and remove leaves in a small-ish backyard?
Behind the Starbucks on military and 35
Nine months and three surgeries later…
Leaving an NES powered on overnight?
Type 2 diabetes remission
Way to hot, way to early 🫤
Welcome to SASmallBusinesses
How long did it take you to lift your heal off the surface
Knee in bad state for years
Galaxies in our night sky.