C4C two clicks left before reset!
3 clicks!
7 clicks - active user, high karma
I will click the first 2 that click mine. Show timestamp as proof first and I'll get you back
2 clicks left before reset! Check my comment history, I always click back! Post time stamp if you click!
2 Clicks left! C4C!
Still have both my clicks . Lets trade ! ( check comment history for proof )
2 clicks legit
I have 6 clicks. 100% never scam or cheat. You’re welcome to check all my post history in my profile.
C4C 2 Clicks Left
8 Clicks, 4 accounts, Click 4 Click
3 clicks left! Trade?
2️⃣ clicks to trade before Reset!
C4C 4 clicks available!
Let’s do C4C (check my comment history)
6 clicks left! I always click back!
Click for click!
C4C I have 4 today:)
New day. I have 4 clicks to give. Comment done and I'll click u back 💜💜💜💜
C4C, have 2 clicks left on another device. Leave timestamp.
1 click left
3 clicks left 2 devices always click back check history
C4C - Timestamps required!
Needing two more!
So sick of this shit