What if the Bible isn’t “more” than it appears?
Atheism vs. Agnosticism vs. Other? Can a person be “atheist” but still open or spiritual?
How to Win Debates Without Thinking
Hi, please guide me with atheism
Not arguing
Free Will cannot exist.
I’m kind of over being a Christian
Religion is just Copium
Historical Jesus sets the Record Straight.
What is a question for which you’ve never heard an atheist give a coherent answer?
Please help my fear of hell
Something from nothing conflicts with free will
There is a double standard in how religious people treat faith vs doubt
The actual origin of the ancient Israelites
what do you think the bible is? what basis do you have for your thoughts? perhaps it's all man made, or from god
Humans used the scientific method to come to the conclusion of god(s).
The will of God cannot be the most ultimate cause.
Why change your interpretation for facts when you can ignore facts.
God’s 165-Million-Year Absence Contradicts the Idea of Divine Involvement in Earth’s History
The Abrahamic God and a few of other religions’ deities are both too forgiving and too unforgiving for the likes of atheists.
Which movie would you recommend for a movie night with friends?
Bible’s claim that Adam and Eve knew God clashes with the lack of monotheism among early humans.
The Fundamental Difference Between Religiosity and Free Thought
How do you think Jesus feels watching the worst people on the planet claim to be his followers? What do you think he'd say to them if only he could?