Nearly finishing my first playtrough of a persona game but what I always wondered since starting. Why is there so much you can’t explore?
Guys, did I cook?
Why won’t you die?
Which banner are you hoping we get at the end of March? *Poll*
Hate when IS does this.
I beat maddening mode from level 1!
binding worlds help
Is the worst thing Yusuke did?
A Hero Rises 2025 - Consider a Sparkable 5 Emblem AHR banner (along with 3 Elite Inheritance units)!
Momo Jirushi's anniversary art!
CYL9 final results
Final day for CYL9 voting!
Is this a good first FE?
After about 3 years I finally found my old 3ds! I can finally re-live my favourite game!
War is over
I admit defeat
Which is the better unit, Sylvain or Lysithea?
What's the Intended Counterplay Here?
People don’t know what a incel is.
So...that's it? The arc's over? I know it dragged on, but the ending felt kinda rushed.
Edelplush is finally here!
How well has flame tribe Lyn held up? Considering redeeming her
Upcoming Weapon Refines (Version 8.11)
why are the comments hating on this? isn't this what everyone wanted?
Whos gonna tell them