Using the chatacabra quest as a test for skill/loadouts
Can't find a justification for building into elemental damage. Interested in feedback.
GM player: Do the skill levels of Challengers just wildly vary?
Can't find a justification for building into elemental damage
This is a safe space to admit your mistakes.
Is anybody else getting a lot of input losses in Wilds?
New player here - When should I stop to farm/grind an Armour set?
This isn't new to Wilds, but it isn't just Hunters having more tools to deal with Monsters. Monsters have lost their tools for dealing with Hunters.
Is Ezreal just bad?
How soon after waking up do you take your medication?
Every game the level of support players shocks me
Riot just nuked ARAM mmr today
Good mechanics (low elo) but cant climb
Do most junglers have worse mechanics than laners given they are the same elo?
Why does no one want to play jungle anymore?
ADC feels weak because they always have to play scared, no matter how far ahead.
Do you enjoy playing against high elo players too?
Has ADC gotten harder across the years?
Honest question: why do you guys play this role?
Military recruit saved after dropping live grenade at his feet
Man helps police make an arrest.
What is your commonly seen sign that u have ADHD?
Mlon Eusk really has no shame
Question about adderal
This is bad game design - a shooter where headshots don't matter lowers the skill gap substantially