T3 Short Half Rack
Need to go from 182 to 172 in 16 days, any tips?
Gym Politics - What would you do?
Dealing with aggressive wrestlers
If you recieved 50K today…
Traveling to Minneapolis next weekend. Any good gi gyms to drop in on a Sunday?
Job choices after superintending
What's your final goal in BJJ?
Weight cut to keep added muscle
PSA: Don't train through neck pain
Black belt blues?
I got tickled
Got tapped by a white belt.
Blackbelts: did you have a 'fear' of getting your blackbelt?
Why Gordon couldn't finish?
Help me understand tabattas
Finally started.
Avoid pyramid property solutions.
Tips for a small home gym?
Simulate adrenaline dump?
Lifting for Muay Thai
Sparring Etiquette
Has BJJ negatively affected your work or business?
What did you do with your heavy bag to improve actual skills?
Arm triangle from guard