My (M29) girlfriend (F27) expects a traditional provider men role (financially and emotionally) but doesn’t want to play the traditional women role.
Morr f 5% using since last 1year 6months
Did I scare her away?
How has being dumped affected your self-esteem?
This sub is basically a place for Anxious attachment people who were dumped by Avoidants
Done the Hong Kong half-marathon barefoot. Personal best too on the distance (sure, a long way to go).
Need advice if i should start with fin/min or get a transplant
What did you want to change in your partner but caused the end of the relationship?
Sending a letter to my ex
Finasteride is ****ing magical
3 month progress on min + fin capsule
Girlfriend of 9 months just left without saying anything
What "redflag" did you only notice about your ex once the relationship was over
How many people here are waiting for their dumper to reach out?
Genuinely missing them and wanting them to talk vs chasing to serve your ego/control?
Dumped today anyone want to chat about really anything? 😃
How do you handle it?
Stop me from texting him
How do you all have the strength to not stalk them?
What was the reason the relationship ended?
Is 29 too late to find love? I just broke up with someone who I think is love of my life. So now, i am scared af
What would be your "No revenge because" reason?
What are the behaviour change you guys notice prior to breakup?
This isn’t what I’m choosing. This is what was given to me.