Funny interaction with my Mom
The Bends turns 30!!!🥳🥳🥳 which is your fav song from this album
Out of all of my friends’ tastes, whose is best/worst?
Songs that feels like telling me "it's ok"?
Name a band you're completely obsessed with!!
What other artists/bands do y'all like?
Amnesiac appreciation post
Thoughts on These Are My Twisted Words
Any suggestions how to improve this?
Favourite oddly specific part of a song?
If you have a Smurf account for rocket league, why?
I started this playing this game seriously 9 months ago. Never thought I’d get this far.
Who’s your favorite buckeye of all time
What was your first impression when you heard the other songs by Radiohead? If you knew them through Pablo Honey
Everybody I need new music
What would you call the Radiohead / Thom Yorke biopic staring Timothée Chalamet?
Songs Where Studio Version Is Not The Best Version
What time period of Radiohead do you like the most?
Is there a game in your Steam library that NEVER gets uninstalled?
What is your favourite song on OK computer
To start the year off right, what's your first Radiohead song in 2025?
Any chance they tour anytime soon or ever again?
What is the weirdest Radiohead song?
What’s the first Radiohead song you’ll listen to in 2025?