was Robinson Crusoe on Mars featured in an episode?
Favorite scene from The Royal Tenenbaums.
It’s coming back!
When you read the novels, whom do you picture as Bond?
Writing my first draft with a typewriter
Easter Egg?
Silent film feared lost for over 100 years found by intern going through old boxes on Long Island
How do you depict fictional characters inspired by real-life people without inviting legal trouble?
Changes in attitudes
The Top Ten Worst Hit Songs of 2024
enough negitvity, what was your favorite hit this year
"House of Frankenstein" (1944) Poster A CHAMBER OF Horror!
How would the fight between Frankenstein's Monster and the Wolfman had gone had the former kept his intelligence and sight from "Bride of Frankenstein"?
I want you to think of me as an old queen.
My top 5 for who should record the Bond 26 theme.
Jaws wins Best henchman - Round 9 : worst Bond actor
Tomorrow Never Dies wins Most underrated movie - Round 4 : Most overrated movie
Has anybody bought the new Ian Fleming Hardcovers?
I'm very happy that the movie squirm exists
Just got the email!!
Frankenstein, Tim Curry Style
Has there been any censorship changes in these particular novels?
“Love Me Do” wins worst song. What is the most underrated song on “Anthology 1”?
Inspired by u/Oilo1, what is the best song in “Anthology 1”?
Worst Apology Songs