Bruh why utra cell red
Is Instant Transmission Goku worth it or should I wait until something better drops ?
Give me a tip for your main character, however, make it an absolutely terrible tip.
If Silksong comes out in 2024, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Bruh why The ace attorney spirt of justice BGS Don't work ?
is the moblie port Unbeatable?
So how to get the missing room in Sotn moblie
She will be your eyes
Who is your LEAST favorite female assistant?
Guess the LF (Likely Impossible)
Coolest rider weapon
Most OP kamen rider weapon ever?
The Best Con Ever
Only missing one ultra , is hit worth it or nah?
So What best equipment for the temple time
What unit setup for Hercule 100m hp quest
Would you be down for a super Saiyan god vegeta Lf this year?
How are your summons?
So what event where I fight toppo I need him for the 100 ticken quest
How was your summons
Folks, I have 15k and a dream. Drop here how much you have and UG4 luck for y'all🗣
Is 6k cc enough to get a single copy of g4 , what do you think guys?? ( i skip godku and ultihan)
UG4 is inbound, how many CC y’all got saved up??
Is It finally time to say goodbye to our boy?
Just started playing today, is this party good for a beginner?