Should have bought a Fireblade to make it a bladeception
[oc] trucks
tell me your real car(s)...
[oc] Who is the bigger idiot here?
How many times/have you arc flashed yourself?
My buddy goes to close to where he welds...
[VW Beetle RSI] Spotted in Texas
Purple Rain Ordinance
Got a Little Overzealous
These are the type of people who shouldn’t own firearms.
Zephyr Color variations?
How much do you make per hour?
“No one wants to work anymore”
Wear a respirator folks
What would u suggest for mods for a new brz
Whats the weirdest EDC item you own?
Akron police officer crashes into driver when responding to a backup call
Went to Toyota of Kenosha. Hard stop as soon as I entered. They wouldn't even act like I was a customer. Looking for a new car and didn't even care.
DIY NVG counterweight
Black or silver RPF1s?
Snow brought the plebs out
Dammit Sig
Buying the 2025
Happy to be back in the best city