Pint hydrus 5205 firmware sudden nosedive VIDEO recreating behavior
Which one you choosing?
Pint Firmware (Hydrus 5205) - Nosedive / Braking Cutout Issue Log
Pint hydrus 5205 firmware is causing dangerous behavior, no warning cutouts, and sudden nosedives
OG Pint firmware hydrus 5205 completely screwed up ride modes
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Septum after care cleaning
buried another one at Bennett Park.
good luck finding this one, the red chair was there and I would like it to stay there. wear long pants and not flip-flops like I did again. make sure the first right you can towards the water, left a branch across the path.
No room my ass
Damn it....we need to chill out with the names...
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Pulse Rifles are underwhelming in PvE and have been for very long
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Whats your favourite Destiny quote?
There are SEVERAL ways Bungie adds "Difficulty" to the game and ALL of them are valid
I think number 2 is the best