What's something that doesn't SEEM Punk, but absolutely is?
Do you think the Map in the Adventurers Guild could actually be pointing to something?
How did I not know this feature existed till now?
Seriously after playing this game for more than 3.5k hours I’ve never seen this before lol
My skull cavern run was an absolute adrenaline rush considering this is supposed to be a Cosy Game
Over 1200 hours into this game and am somehow just finding out about this?
Um... Haley?
Am I the only one who chose the Mushroom Cave?
What are your favorite team names? 10U fast pitch
Looking for Studies on Ball Spin, Magnus Effect, and Trajectory of Off a Baseball Bat.
I absolutely love the Stardew Valley portrait creator. It brings my characters to life
Why are punks so anti-Nazi ?
Does anyone have a link to what is exactly in (and in what mixtures) Tissue Ink Setting Spray?
How do I remove the plastic / wax from my iron?
Found 2 Jars containing witch stuff. How cursed am I?
Apps for making music.
Whats the most Creative use of a spell youve seen
Printing Mini's
Looking for a book suited for coaches / athletes on the Physics of Baseball / Softball..
How did English punks afford spikes and studs if there so damn expensive?
I call it "Youth in descent" - (PS he was fine just annoyed)
Scenario / Play sheets for theory
Trophy printed and painted for my Softball team. Question: do you think I should put a baseball diamond below on the grass as forced perspective and to fill room?
Outfielder catches ball with Catcher / 1B mitt.
Game Crashing "Fatal Error. E_FAIL : present result" Happens in the same spot every time.