need a new lifting app 😢
the guy I’m talking to said there’s 1 thing a woman could do in the talking stage that would give him the ick but he won’t tell me what it is?
Having doubts after 2 months
major revamp based on your feedback… thoughts?
My dating life is going to start at 26 years old. Is this a problem?
If death is the ultimate ending, then what’s the point of life?
How often are you disappointed when meeting someone in person for the first time off the apps?
28F major revamp based on your feedback… thoughts?
28F please review TIA 🥹🫶🏻
[27m] Not getting matches, advice appreciated!
25M Profile Review
27M - refreshed after suggestions but still struggling
dealing with dating anxiety and insecurity
When men watch porn, do they insert themselves in the situation onscreen and fantacise they are the ones with the women?
I've seen 25+ profiles with the same prompt "unusual skills: getting my hoodie back after you've borrowed it."
Fellow men, How do you fill the giant hole in your chest?
would I be an idiot to take him back?
My (24f) bf (25m) says I shamed him about his fetish. How do I talk to him about it?
bf gyming with girls
28F what would make you swipe left? 🫶🏻
Profile Review [27M]
22M Please Review My Profile - No Matches or Likes
What's a secret that you're never going to tell your partner?
25M Profile Review Please!
28F what kind of vibe do you get about me from my profile? what would make you swipe left?