Someone reported my 6+ year old snap and I’ve been permanently banned. I’m upset and sorry this has happened! I’m gunna work on making a new one that I’ll post to my Reddit page.
New Snap
[WIP] Backstitch woes
Looking for Inclusive Recommendations
Should I start over?
I swear, every time I go to Costco, they’re out of rotisserie chicken! Is it just my location, or is this a Canada-wide issue?
How many Mcdonalds points do you have??
New Deli item - beef/pork cabbage rolls
Mini cucu so cheap!
$27 worth of food
1923 is obsessed with Sexual assault
So I was just reamed out on a different subreddit for these designs I made. I have an autistic daughter and I thought I was being positive and empowering. They never told me why it was wildly offensive. Without being hateful can you please tell me if you think it’s offensive and why? Thanks so much!
From floorworker to ghost to ... Princess? 🤔
[FO] “The Kiss” by Gustav Klimt finally done!
Got this skirt in vinted but didnt see it has a dry cleaning only tag. How do i wash it?
Students madated to return
[CHAT] How to label plastic floss bobbins?
Bottle pickup Business
[FO] 74580 stitches later...
Coliseum station shut down
I breaded hasbrowns and some other guy here gave me tthe inspo for the glizzys. It was majestic like this picture.
i just fixed the boat Willy!!
“Oh God, what have I done?”
[CHAT] Charting Creations WIP pics??
My Stardew Valley Springtime (The Valley Comes Alive) Socks!