Selling to Cash Buyers
Getting Home Warranty to Fully Replace System?
TRANE multi speed ECM blower motor for TEM4
I was just scammed by AT&T!!
March Partial Forgiveness People....Check Now
What kind of ant? now shows PSLF counts!
Principal is $-304.00. Waiting on smiley face!
It happened!
April Wave
I Think April's Wave is Happening!!!
Pity party- still waiting…
Where is the April wave?
New Round of Forgiveness or just politics?
God is good! Loans forgiven!! March wave is here!
Did they replace smiley face with "Your federal student loan(s) has been discharged."
ECF Processing
The wait…
Smiley Face replaced by Discharge language....finally!
MOHELA Refusing to reinstate forbearance
A MOHELA rep is now telling me that the ineligible/eligible problem for the Oct.-Dec 2023 forced forbearance months (due to their error) now won't be fixed until Fall 2024 at the earliest. Can this possibly true?
Can’t Airplay to TV?
Currently crying . Can’t breathe.