Stopper pour not working
Is managing worth it to you?
Tips for energy/focus
What's hard about dating you?
Nice guys finish last
I keep procrastinating, breaking my own rules , and laziness . Any tips?
What’s your favorite rap song that mentions Michael Jackson?
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Need Help Losing my virginity tonight
How to deal with failures?
Don’t forget your greens!
Are any adults actually genuinely happy?
Life is a chore
What TV show is your go-to comfort show?
Waitlist for classes
Songs about substance addiction?
hype up your clubs/orgs/etc in the comments
Want to spread the legacy of a Marine named Ivan Alvera who passed away in February 2020.
UCSB/IV from a pilot’s perspective
Twitter is the most wack fucking platform out there...
Angry at myself
Does anyone know where to find a music visualizer app/extension that works with Spotify? Something Similar to the visualizer that would play back on the Xbox 360.. good times
Does anyone know where I can find a music visualizer app/extension that works with Spotify? Something similar to the visualizer that would play back on the Xbox 360.. good ol days
How do you have self discipline?
I don't know where to go from here, How do you know what you want to do in life?