Advice for getting back on the right track
Is the pope going to be alright?
Can thoughts ever mortal sin or does it have to be an action?
How can I be confident that I am doing enough?
Why shouldn't I take the Eucharist if kneeled?
How can I help my sister come to faith?
What are some methods of defending the validity of the bible?
Who were some bad*** saints?
Catholicism and cancel culture
Is there different protocol for lay attendees of a mass celebrated by a bishop compared to one celebrated by a priest?
What Catholic Book Are You Reading?
I believe that watching Nosferatu may be at the very least a near occasion to sin due to the macabre, pornographic, and demonic imagery on display throughout. Am I correct in this assumption? Why or why not?
Should I watch Nosferatu as a Catholic?
Boyfriend very hostile towards Catholic Church
Can someone send me the Vatican. Va link to the Memoriale Domini document?
Can someone send me the link to the Memoriale Domini document?
What are your recommendations on books about indigenous Canadian history from first contact to now?
Book on history of Indigenous peoples of Canada from 1st contact and onward
Recommendations on books about indigenous Canadian history from first contact to now.
Canadian indigenous history book recommendations (Objective)
Secret Invasion S01E05 - Discussion Thread