Midwife is a week behind on my due date?
Tv for an overactive 18 month old who’s about to become an older brother
Boy & Girl names to go with Lily
Low iron?
Crib napping
Moving away from Co-sleeping
Super annoying I have to wait multiple years to finally finish the tutorial cause im to young irl to use scratch cards
How are you managing nights if your toddler sucks at sleeping?
Ready for another baby
We cannot handle it anymore baby doesn’t want to sleep
I’m suddenly scared to be in the newborn trenches again
My 15m is territorial with food
When to stop having TV on?
14 month old refusing second nap, time to drop it?
When did you begin loving motherhood?
Was I supposed to teach baby to hold her own bottle?
Picky Phase?
34 weeks pregnant, not excited.
Dealing with anti-vax parents
I’m ready for this baby to be OUT
Parents who had difficult babies, what is your toddler like now?
For everyone that’s ever asked “when does it get better”
Moms, you’ve got 30 minutes to yourself. What do you do?
Wife just had 21 week scan doctors informed us of the nasal bone not being visible, and a bright spot in the heart scan indicating possible DS. What do we do?