Best spots in Austria for a decent price?
Looking for something with a really good story and goated side characters
FFIE is the way
What is the most unethical way you've seen someone make money?
Is it too late to switch positions?
Learning FL Studio
Just got my first skateboard! Any tips for a newbie?
Alright lads I’m very conflicted here. Do I go with the white or black space bar?
Daily Discussion Thread for April 20, 2023
[Bo2] Where to buy a cheap version of Bo2?
Is there any cheap pc versions of black ops 2 out there?
Levi and Petra. Couple or no?
“Git gud” - A Massive Firefight
Options for budget friendly switches?
ollie help please. i was kinda tired when i did these but MY FIRST OLLIES OMG (please don’t make fun of me🙁)
Is there any songs from blade that aren’t absolutely trash (beside BeNice2Me)
[TECH] Weekly Xbox One Tech Support
Idk what this is but it felt nice to land something after a break from skating
I’ve been sitting in the BF1 lobby for about 20 minutes now just listening to the music, it’s so beautiful. I have zero urge to play at this point.
My first ollie into manual over a manny pad :) very proud of this trick
All skill no luck sry for the bad quality
Made this... thought it was funny (I have other versions too)
Am I the only one who thinks the graphics and art style of BF1 is far superior to BFV?