How common is it to have bridesmaids in your wedding you don’t know well?
We just told my JNMIL & JNFIL that DH and I are having a baby, and it went exactly like I expected.
Tips on dealing with wedding disappointment
So we really supposed to ditch contraception after getting married!!?
How many people ACTUALLY eat the cake?
How long should you date before getting engaged?
AITA for refusing to let my brother's family stay with me after they lost their home?
Getting out of my bubble: Where are conservative voters?
What do you think the true underlying reason that Dumpty is trying to bully Canada with tariffs? (All hypothetical of course. Not many people can understand the mind of a physcopath)
Tell me you're Canadian without telling me your Canadian
If you could name only one single thing that makes you proud to be Canadian, what would it be?
Should I cancel my travel?
What was wrong with Trudeau?
AIO- My fiancé is pressuring me to have a baby- UPDATE 2
MIL has made my child a competition
MIL is suing for grandparents rights
Update kind of? Apology was given, BUT…
MIL is furious with me because I finally told her how I felt
What's the funniest thing your child has done/said?
Politics: avoid or boundary
MIL said posting maternity pics could kill my unborn son
Has anyone attended wedding with children.
Newborn Boundaries
how to deal with MIL at a funeral
AITA for Making My Husband’s Family Leave After They Showed Up With an Extra Guest?