I think it’s time yall
new leak with carti featrue
I figured out the concept of the album
Idk how to feel about the rapping part
bro essentially made a song about “this dumbahh bottle just floated by my boat and i don’t even fw it 😭🙏”
godstained about a message in a bottle?
bro make jerk bossonova is there a better artist alive 😭😭 bro made xavier so based x luis bonfa core 😭😭😭😭😭
i wonder how many scrapyard songs will make more sense after vanished
dat boy getting his mouth nutted in ain’t no way twin!
Could the cover look any cooler holy FRACK
ass zipper bruh
Location of the new pic
this has GOT to be a scam, right?
Where is brakence?
legit check on these? the button is normal which is throwing me off
Episode 10 is in fact 76 minutes long!
the person in the pic from the new x8 music post
this seems fishy am i tripping
We all saw the x8 live correct?
higher quality than people are posting of the pic from the website (balls)
I don’t want quadeca to drop singles
random thoughts about ethics, art and idiocy:
why does he contradict himself with his lyrics😭