Forbidden Pork
World's first video of 56 transition controls for a triple inverted pendulum
Ken Griffin gave millions to politicians. But there hasn't been a full list of the politicians he paid. Until now.
Current price action compared to previous run-ups [02-27-2022] - Its more clear now that we are not in a cycle atm. This may be final post from me in this series. It has been an honour to read your replies and see you shareing ideas in my posts thank you! We shall see where the new road leads us too
Dear FL developers, stop hiding the sidechain.
Just Hans being Hans and the kids respected him for it and blamed themselves for being shit
Danish LegoPorn
Why cant Lego-porn be a thing?
Who should be "the hot one"?
Danes, Please Confirm
Hør mig ud, Buko!
Barry - 1066
I made this cursed map of Europe
Greedy swamp "people" lore
Eks vil have penge tilbage
This is how Ejnar Mikkelsen, a Danish explorer, was photographed in 1912 when he was found. Ejnar was isolated with Iver Iversen, from his own expedition, for two and a half years in a cabin in Greenland awaiting rescue.
We all know about fr*nch breakfast, but have you heard about swedish breakfast?
Jeg har været i swingerklub for første gang - AMA
Im tired, but what yall think?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Greenland PM blasts Trump talk of U.S. annexation: ‘Enough is enough’
Hvad er stemningen i forhold til jobopslag?
How do i make vocals like that? Does the vocal style have a name?
Last upload of Tunesday
ECHOES of the ABYSS | Season 01