Carlo Rota (Jenz Sidwell) showing up in my fave movie!
Traumatize your fandom with one image
What stargate opinion are you defending like this.
Every show has one: port charles edition.
March 16th
How would you have handled Rhaegal's arc?
What did season 2 do right?
Why is 0.3 repeating not irrational?
You can send Superman to any fictional universe in media for one hour. Where and when do you send him?
March 14th
What if - in the new movie - Supes is the only true hero?
I think it’s high time we move on from this intro
What are some fan theories you like enough to be your head canon? I'll post one of my favorites in the comments offline?!
Confusing Icons
Chase’s infertility — what is the reason?
Gio will he keep his original name?
For Better or Worse, Which Recast Completely Changed How You Saw the Character?
Daily murdle
This maybe controversial but ….
If you could choose anywhere in The World of Ice & Fire to live, where would it be? 🧊🔥
Unpopular Opinion Sunday - March 09, 2025
Help with my daugther's grade 3 question.
OH MY GOD can Drew and Willow just fade away please. Why did the writers think dry toast + dry toast would create anything compelling?
Murder help please.