Hyper sexuality or low libido on Ritalin
E2 leveled and prolactin high
Married with no sex life
Scalp acne
Think this is why my dick don’t work
Please stop running red lights
Tell me your tren stories
Am I stupid?
I’m 15 years old and want to take either test or mk and enclomiphine
UA FA's.... are you just ... TIRED?
Can anyone help me with these results
Falling for someone in a different city
2:40 AM at my unconventional hubs
Delta F2F is not “culty” as some have said
Update: I kept the goat for a while, trying this out now.
Best PED for high sex drive bar Test?
I'm not American but I don't think that's a normal name.
How does vacation work at DL?
What smells bad, but kinda good?
Store pulls Tahoe Heartbeat hats after owner posts on 'illegally bred children' in schools
Accutane and tanning
Got a scammer to break character and the truth is dark
Weather was too damn nice to counter-protest. Skeet shooting in the #GulfofAmerica was exactly what this #LadyBoss needed. 🗽💅🇨🇱
If anybody wanted to try their luck at selling something by the bucket...
Mirror Hand Syndrome has an unknown cause, occurring by the duplication of the forearm bone, resulting in a mirror-image appearance of the hand