What is your leftist hot take?
I can't seem to understand compatibilism -- some questions about Compatibiliism, regarding both Frankfurt and Kant
Live -What are the best live albums
Books exploring financial inequality?
Argument from Moral Disagreement: which forms are taken seriously and which are not?
Vegan Investing
Accessible critiques of objectivism
How do you keep on doing analytic philosophy?
Amongst utilitarian philosophers, what is the most popular metric to maximize (such as mean utility, median utility, minimum utility, etc.)?
What are the responses to the major criticisms of Rawls' original position (if any) ?
Info Request
Should plants' and animals' lives be valued equally to humans'?
I’ve got beef with non-vegan leftists.
Are there any academic philosophical arguments against nonviolent resistance in favor of violent resistance?
Ok I think I get the Terror now
“Triple L” Henry Cejudo
I watched Ed Winters's TEDx talk, and he made some good points, but his arguments about crop deaths were very weak.
Are theodicies useless to someone who believes in no god or external forces or wills (i.e. karma) affecting our universe?
Who else is in your top 5 bands?
A Beautiful Life is so underrated
Heart says Nozick, mind says Rawls.
TO BE UNFORGIVING to all who ever disagreed...
Got my first kidney stone, according to the Dr, because I'm eating too many oxalates.
Vegan Dish Recommendations?