What is the most stupid rule at your sixth form or college?
What’s a gcse you wish you took?
What’s Your Least Favorite Song?
What Song Got You Into Fontaines DC?
I miss gcse reddit
Ask me anything but edit
Day 2/9: Sam Fender's most underrated song
beabadoobee songs with an autumn vibe
Talk has won best song! Next round is Best Diss Track! I’m extremely excited for this one, please leave only one answer per comment
What song does this remind you of?
Find your subject twin
Beatopia Cultsong has won worst song (sorry but Deathbed didn’t count). Now for the most fun round, best song! Please pick one official answer per comment
Best thing about sixth form/college?
Which Oasis fans here got tickets ?
tihtm ranking 🩵
Had my first day of sixth form yesterday
Tickets left?
am i doing something wrong?? all wembley standing gone?
How is post results day for you all
Your most unexpected result?
Results Day Megathread
ong i did better than expected
Results day people: Good luck everyone! How're we feeling?
What are you guys gonna do after?
i’m shitting bricks