Commander Mercer - Captain the USS Huntingdon in a StarTrek adventure
Imagine picking a major so prone to automation in 2025.
Genuine question, do anti Ai people have an actual valid argument on why AI art is bad?
I’m not defending AI. That’s not the point, I’m defending the human using it.
What would a ship slowing down from FTL look like to an observer?
Can't say it's wrong....
“You hypocrites are seriously judging Humanity for being "overly violent" with three Worlds Wars in our past when most of you had at least a dozen of them before establishing your first off-world colony?”
To those who are pro-AI: why do you defend AI?
The main thing that bugs me about anti-AI sentiment.
No Need for Imposed Ethics, Just Let Them Cook.
Question To Purely Pro AI Members Of This Sub
ELI5: Why aren't mental illnesses diagnosed by measuring neurotransmitter levels in the brain?
If AI can code better than humans, why are Anthropic/OpenAI still hiring software engineers?
Hundreds of actors and Hollywood insiders sign open letter urging government not to loosen copyright laws for AI
Physics PhD students be out here solving the mysteries of the universe but can’t solve basic interior design 🤦♂️
If I commission an artist and he say he can use AI, should he lower the price?
My opinion on AI vs Human Art (thus far, as a mediocre artist)
How do you cope with the rise of AI writing?
recent STL projects and their finished or printed counterparts
The Past’s Future
There’s this one human engineer assigned to our spacecraft, who INSISTS that the spacecraft’s navigational software can be modified to run “Doom”, whatever that is. We’ve been stuck in port for 20 cycles now.
Why do people ask questions and try to start discussions to flesh out their ideas instead just knowing everything?
New coffee machine from the Adeptus Mechanicus, for those long days and nights in service to the emperor/machine god.