@Turkish Bajs
Wish I could just do bountiful delves without doing outside chores.
Fembaj friday at long last
I'm not even sure how this can happen [tank with wrong spec]
Team Liquid gets the World First kill and the players are understandably confused
Liberation of Undermine - World First pull count compared to every boss since WoD
Race to world fourth is over, it's time
Liquid have achieved World First Mythic Gallywix in 99 pulls.
Let’s talk decor! Get a first look at interior design for Housing!
Paragon boxes/overflowing troves are broken for some players. Farm rep with caution.
They are growing bajs... Despair (+50 951 since yesterday's post)
You know what to do now Bajs if you want a girlfriend
I got loot from story mode Gallywix, including a curio I don't think I can use...
Gear up for BlizzCon 2026!
Monk touch of death bug
Why are people like this? Ran a 10 Floodgate. 2 Minutes left to time, and the tank pulled the last 2 mobs into the last boss, wiped, and left.
If you're not willing to do the bare minimum, you shouldn't expect to get very far, thats life advice not just wow advice.
Underpin ??
New raid boe auction expired after listing and bound the item.
I really like challenging stuff like Zekvir and now Underpin, but having to rely on Brann is infuriating
For the brave souls attempting, Underpin ?? is currently bugged. His adds will sometimes spawn outside of the arena and you can't kick the bombs into them
EleGiggle I VOTED FOR FORSEN EleGiggle
Congratulations RAoV Quality Assurance on world first Gallywix!
My Norman Co worker: My girlfriend this my girlfriend that. My girlfriend is pregnant. My girlfriend... .
Hey Blizz, could I get some characters?...