If we get sheep variants, maybe they could drop different wool patterns depending on their type!
If Cold and Warm Sheep Variants get added, they should drop different patterns of wool depending on which variant you shear.
Mojang, please give Leaf Litter a 2nd layer of leaves
Free will is disabled 💀
Apparently I have spent over 3000 hours on my phone today
Who is Eve?
Attempted to make the Pale Garden a little spookier with a few small tweaks
Fanart Gallery Submission Thread (Xisuma)
Necron Armor + Valkyrie
What if minecraft had chalk in minecraft!
No way mojang mahjong???
Entering the chamber for the first time
Thanks moyang
Leather Horse Armor is missing its overlay texture, and has been since it was added.
The cube...The cube is real
Mojang please fix this
why is rabbit stew one pixel lower than other soups/stews
A change so bad it warranted a b snapshot to fix it
Monthly Scathaposting
Hello Scathaposters - it is I, creator of Scathabominations
The Scatha horsemen of nightmares (tell my coop to stop sending me these pls)
A concept for some different Status Indicators that could be added - any ideas for more?
Villagers Kicking Players?
Sorry if this seems silly, but there is an unkillable cow on my server, and no matter how many times I do /kill @e[type=cow], it does not die, it just takes damage but that's it. I've run that command dozens of times and nothing works. What do I do?