Dumped- no idea what happened
[14/03/25] - Drumsheds tonight
[13/03/2025] SW Meets @ The Stonhouse, Clapham
(LONG STORY) Wife met up with guy that has expressed feelings for her then lied for a while about it, do I leave?
It's been two years, she never reached out
[23/02/25] Entropy Explorers Pilot @ Somewhere in London
How do I move forward after my (35M) ex (33F) cheated?
[13/02/2025] SW Meets @ The Roundhouse, Clapham Junction
How do I stop obsessing over my exes new relationship?
Stuck, Unwilling and Just Existing
It does get Better
Breaking Things Up Because of Grief
Got a ticket but broken up with partner
My [28F] fiance [31M] overreacted when I asked some questions about our future. How do I get him to calm down and talk to me?
How to be okay with being single at 36.
If there is one thing I learned from my breakups: never try to change their mind
For your mental health what is something you avoid and have better mental health because of it?
Heading to Glasto solo, a camping question?
Mornings are the worst !
My ex reached out to me after 2 years of no contact, AMA
I wish my ex meets someone exactly like him
Anyone going through a break-up in their 30s?
I 28F posted a while back about my husband 29M. He asked me to open our relationship and I declined. Where do I go from here?
How do you accept not knowing everything when cheating happened?
I got cheated on so I built a tool that can search anyone on Tinder.