Washing machines you'd reccomend??
Dear Mr Luxon, what comes after "too far"?
I just hit 15k subscribers today and I wanted to share some stuff I've learned along the way
Lunch/brunch spots you'd genuinely reccomend in the CBD??
Air New Zealand additional luggage
I just cracked my first 1000+ views and here's what I learned :
I Finally hit 1K Subscribers! AMA
Making my first youtube video/short. How to import filming data??
Displaying Portfolio/images question...
How to make a website with the lock or atleast not display "your connection is not private"
Kansai Gaidai
kansai gaidai university lgbtq friendly for study abroad students?
How to train to be a rótulista?
Help resize
Looking for criticism (I'm a minor, please be nice)
Anyone old enough to grow up with 90s What Now?
Cancelling Travelex cards?
Some Lego DOOM things I made
Reccomended (qualified) kitchen gas fitters?
His family understands it now
Itinerary Check: Tokyo & Kyoto in Oct/Nov
6am flight to auckland (then international connection). What time to arrive at airport?
I’m a new MF DOOM fan… what songs should I listen too?
Rate the setup
Got this dope plant for €5,99 at my local nursery 🤙🏻