hi moms!! an update on my move, i’m finally all moved in :’) all of your replies brought me to tears and honestly helped me out when i thought i couldn’t do it. thanks to you all, i am so grateful
Who’s your favorite drummer?
I want Hotch so bad. Thanks.
What are your vocal stims?
If you could have dinner with one of the cast who would it be?
First-born daughters?
If everyone in the world wore a T-shirt with the phrase they say the most, what would yours say?
If a movie was made based on your sex life, what would the title be?
what food you hate that everyone else loves?
CMV: Fat shaming is a good thing
Here’s a fun one: anyone else’s take your ailments as a personal insult?
What death of a famous person actually affected you most?
My Family Ate My Pet and Acted Like It Was No Big Deal
[18]➡️[24] feels like i finally found my style😂
What tiny thing caused massive consequences...due to the reaction of a narcissist?
Which of the 7 Deadly Sins best describes the narcissist in your life?
AIO my BF is mad I’m partnered with a guy in chem lab.
Anyone else’s phone addiction get worse during luteal?
[Serious] What is something you like about yourself?
What’s the best way to stop wasting time on Reddit?
Whats something you know is bad but you still do it?
mother told everyone the lie that I’m shooting heroin years ago when I went no contact
Why are they so obsessed with tattoos?
When is "violence the answer"?