Are AOT blades inspired by cutters?
this really isn‘t the place for that
[Hobby Scuffles] Week of 10 March 2025
Silent Hill f is the first game in the series to be rated 18+ in Japan
Misunderstood, yes. Regular man? Homie's a god damn kaiju😭
i don't care if that Wretched Hedgehog has DC Scaling now,he's still a Mario Victim
Most messed up unintended implications of world building you've encountered in a fantasy novel?
What is a generally unliked episode of Who that you think you could drastically improve with 1-2 small changes?
Tomino and the reason for his "unique" character naming
This post isn’t about DC or comics, but the jerk is that I’m posting it anyway
What are Dick's contingency plans for the Titans compared to Batman's?
can you believe it guys? fusion power! just 30 years away!
I see dead people
What type of jerking is this?
The switch from opinions around PCR was crazy to see
I don’t know where this art is from, but it’s absolutely gorgeous.
they do!!
I pop off, say ‘that’s the guy from the thing I watched growing up’ and point at the screen when I hear a recognizable voice
"This character is canonically unbeatable because of feats such as saying he's unbeatable" Doesn't matter, he's a Put Back victim.
When Donna asks the Doctor to save just one person so he settles for the rich slave-owning family just cuz they're only people he talked to that day
[Hobby Scuffles] Week of 03 March 2025
Comicbook deaths make me feel things, Bruh…
Guardians of Earth Mostly