Higher protein soup ideas
Do you think stores opening 24/7 is a good idea?
I despise this girl. Like I literally hate every single thing that she does.
Neighbor screamed at me calling me a “whore” and a “f*cking bitch” over my outfit
AIO for wanting a bus driver fired for leaving my son at school intentionally?
Can I use epoxy and what else to fill and give a base and several tints?
Nails in tire
AITA For coming home from work and using common spaces in a house I rent when my roommates on a zoom call in the kitchen?
Have you ever seen a mountain up close?
NFH attracting tons of creepy loud wildlife by feeding them all day and causing unhealthy conditions
AIO? My son wants to attend a religious meal/ceremony at his friends house and I said no.
What international chain do you want to see in the US?
What are some unique cultural traditions in your area?
People who had a 'one-night stand' that turned into an actual nightmare—what happened?
What’s best pizza in port chester? hurry im on lunch
What is your "cook-to-impress" dish for a dinner party?
Do you mean what you say?
Absolutely insane 😩
Deleted there account 😂
Around 6% of Americans believe they can defeat a grizzly bear in a hand-to-hand combat
Neighbor: I would appreciate advice on the girl living below me in my apartment constantly complaining & calling the cops
Help with petty revenge
Entidled bus driver refuseses to drive and makes a bus full of kids late for school.
What is an American grocery item you are willing to pay a premium and why are you willing to pay the premium?
Does anyone have experience having a loved one buried on the same property their home is on?