Good guys who turn bad and eventually cause an apocalypse and/or genocide.
How to aim with Junkrat?
So I have a Landraider Crusader/Redeemer that I'd ordered... Is it possible to make it look "Knighty" without ordering stuff to stick on?
Interceptor Squad done. That's 5 squads for my army so far ♡
Laugh Out Loud
This Is Spinal Tap(1984)
What is a simple yet unpopular thing you did for weight loss?
Favorite Marx Brother
Third Terminator Squad, this time with the twin swords
Problems with building
Police academy is not for everybody. You’re gonna get your boob scuffed. But if you’ve got the vulva to stick it out, I’ll be proud to call you ladies policemen
Gonna use oil based paint cause the wood is pine. Ponderosa Pine. WhOOoooo.
Finally got to the third squad in my army: Terminators with broadswords
favorite Titus quote?
My New Year’s resolution was to stop cursing so much, so I’ve found myself quoting this often. 🤣
Into the mud, scum queen!
You ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight...
I'm 47 and looking for advice
Saw this today omg what the hell did i just watch
The Great Outdoors (1988)
Re Watching Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 (1986)
Umbriel, these are some Yankees!
What is your favorite Francine quote?