Severed salary
what would you have?
If your truck has a name what is it?
What should I do?
Of course we’re Alaskan!
Underrated/unique Innova molds?
Failure, but going to try again
Please don’t be like this guy. That is all.
New Tacoma
Who's your couple?
A little weird piece. 8” tall. Spalted Sugar maple.
Throne I made for a client - 7' tall x 30" wide. Solid walnut, mohair upholstery.
Symbiotic hobbies are satisfying - I designed & 3d printed things to organize my turning things
Found this wrap today, thought you guys would enjoy
Yarpen Zigrin is cast great for the show. “A secret mission, my favorite kind!”
Any tips for repotting my cactus/making him grow straight? He gets a LOT of light, has over doubled in height in the past few years, and flowers annually. Just want to make sure I’m taking care of him properly.
These week i made these bowl from American black walnut with epoxy resin blood river
I don’t think the Netflix series portrays how famous Dandelion is compared to the books.
Our Geralt and Yennefer Cosplay
Niece is pregnant so I bought lathe. I present my first attempt at baby rattle
Don't know if this has been posted here in the past but you can hear the emotion in his voice. Good for him
Stepdad slaps his wife in front of her son... Gets ko'd
Reading Witcher with Lilac and Gooseberry candle
This is the last known photo of Michael Rockefeller (1961), pictured with the Asmat Tribe of New Guinea known for cannibalism. Michael disappeared without a trace in November of 1961 after his catamaran capsized near one of the islands. His body was never found.
Boromir Vs Ned Stark