Which vine or climbing plant would you choose for a walk through trellis in your garden?
Where rainbows actually come from...
I have a low spot on my porch
I’m just waiting for these storms
How is this even possible?
The 2100$ helmet for my baby’s head, that insurance did not cover 🙃 why do we even have insurance?
Watching This Crusher Pulverize Things
What are some of the best movies to "go in blind" ?
Tell me your a dad without saying your a dad
Bought these for the first time…
We don't do that here #Programmer4EVAH!
Who knew that a spoon could be so versatile?
What are conservative parties in your country (non-US) saying about the current state of things in the US and the Trump presidency?
Can't edit device or group. Get loading screen.
WTW for someone who's so highly suggestible they believe every conspiracy theory?
Show me the funniest picture of your cat.
Before mobile phones and apps like Spotify existed, there were mp3 players
People over 35, what do you personally spend your expendable income on?
Unlimited (basically) composted manure
Orcs set out from Minas Morgul.
Green flames rise from manhole covers on Texas Tech campus. Buildings are being evacuated.
Lady takes all the large machines at the Laundromat, saves them by placing individual items inside each one..
Small cucumber rant
Error: Couldn't be moved to the trash
Adam Sandler: They’re All Gonna Laugh at You!