Can some men tell me if i’m being stupid or reasonable…please lol
Masks off: The lessons we didn't learn from COVID
Canelo can counter off the back foot and on the front foot
We Were Badly Misled About the Event That Changed Our Lives
Former Disney star claims porn career has people treating her with 'more respect'
Which album to start listening to Deep Purple with
Do I (F) need to start asking guys out??
Is it unattractive if a guy wears lifts in his shoes?
Men who decided to end things, at what point did you know it was time
Single men ‘significantly’ poorer amid collapse in marriage rates
She holds out on me for months and then when I get mad about it she says relationships aren't about sex. It's been 4 months. Is this normal?
Not happy with girlfriend & sex life
New information from the past about my wife, should I just forgot about it?
Tv show pikemon norm
When is too soon to talk about sex?
Having a college degree does not equal success
I asked the sick passenger sitting next to me on a plane to wear a mask — and nearly got kicked off my flight
My (21F) boyfriend (25M) didn't console me on my dead dad's birthday. Is it weird that I'm upset by this even though he passed three years ago?
91 lbs in 10 months (advice?)
Are people lying when they say, “you’ll find your person”
I don't know if you guys are history buffs or not...
5 dates too soon to discuss exclusivity?
Should I ask this Professor out that I really like?
How do I ask a guy out?
2 months into a cut, seeing some results already!