Is Nashville Shores worth it? And why or why not?
Do you ever cuddle platonic female friends?
Wearing a beanie indoors looks ridiculous.
my roommate is incredibly loud at night with 2 separate partners to the point where I can’t even be in my apartment anymore
Confront characters?
Last episode spoiler
I just can’t go on (NSFW for context)
What happend here? (Only wrong answers)
Train so hard you look like you’ve never slept a day in your life
Genuinely curious
Why people love Barney, despite ... you know ...
Being the person someone cheats with is as bad or worse than cheating
Has anyone decoded Barbary’s Get Psyched mix?
How to keep my cat happy?
I'm watching WhiteCollar for the first time. I'm on S3, and my heart did a little dance when they changed the intro song back 🥹💗💗 I'm feeling euphoric.
I've Made a Terrible Mistake...
Why is the office workday stereotyped as being 9-5?
I think I just made a terrifying realization. Can someone tell me if I'm freaking out over nothing?
The "Ted Mosby, Architect" girl should not have been part of The Bracket
Nashville deserves better ice cream options. Help me help us
Share an opinion that is a fact but most people will disagree with it.
remember when Jeanette and Ted are dating and she says
Do you ever wonder who the match was??
What's your biggest pain point at work?