Ask kos mga bag ong nakakuha license
Unsay motivation or nagpacontinue nimo na di mag resign sa imo work og padayon?
Disappointed but not surprised
Songs that helped you get through dark times.
unsa dapat nako buhaton para madawat ko?
Since payday man karon unsa inyo treat sa inyoself?
We are hiring Chatters!
Bakit Monday ang event ng INC?
Describe your job without using its official term. And we'll guess it
mu tuo mo di pwede mukaon manok jan 1 kay mulupad ang swerte?
Nahapak ang lubot sa conductor
Maris racal naghilak while nag hatag og statement
maris racal and anthony jennings chismis
Cough for about a month without phlegm
Prangkahay lang: Mo date kag someone with lower economic status than you?
Girlfriends!! What are we getting our boyfriends this Christmas
Annoying guy nga "student" at IT Park
unsa diay feeling sa naay uyab?
Super Cringe yung mga content creator na VA
Bob the builder hhhhhh
Fell inlove with Cebu!!!
Rage Against the Machine (Daghan ko ug utang)
Barko from Cebu to Manila