My least favorite patient interaction today
Lifestance health
Be careful not to test your flexibility too far!! Sprained my knee doing this move
How much of a commute is too much?
I hope this doesn’t get political but at the same time maybe it’s impossible for it to not…
S. Carolina Intros Bill to Execute Women Who Seek An Abortion
did anyone else experience massive increase in pull-up ability like 1-2 weeks after starting to climb a lot?
Am I heartless
Can y’all please stop getting in crashes everyday on I85
First v5!
New Year Motivation
Best Gym for Beginners?
Please enjoy this series of photos showing Sebastian Stan dropping his groceries
Oh my
Working the holidays
@kylieholbeck finally done with the race so we can stop hearing about it
Is the right lane the new passing lane?
suspect is always pregnant 💀
Delighted to find I could match on a crimp to avoid the scary last move
Hospital Outpatient
Imagine thinking that an infant communicating his basic, vital needs in literally the only way physically possible for him to do so would somehow make him imperfect (or demanding).
Taking time off
How much did your fingers grow from climbing?
Get. Vaccinated.
I’m just waiting for a r/childfree or r/antinatalist post to be made about my parenting at Target