what is your best mnemonic?
After 4 years, I’ve made my second post here
craziest thing someone has done at your school?
Drop your ranking of subjects by difficulty and I'll rate it
me when we haven't even finished the content yet...
Go-Jo - Milkshake Man | Australia 🇦🇺 | Official Music Video | #Eurovision2025
last day study tips?
Is this a good revision timetable for year 10 mocks?
How much revision have you guys done this half term?
If you don’t know what to do for your English Language speech, this is what my class is doing:
can someone help me with this question pls 😓 (tw: maths)
Drop some of your favourite mnemonics
What A-levels is everyone taking??
What's up you betas
How I got all 9s (from the laziest guy ever)
Music composition...
does anyone else find revision kinda fun??
Fun fact: You can study DNA in 5 subjects (biology, chemistry, English lit, history and drama)
my school has blocked so much shit its annoying
Which compounds do you need to know for triple?
Has anyone went from grade 5s to 8/9s?
Do you guys get to pick a language?
Say your mock results here please :)
“Hey man do you have any flashcards?”
my ranking of the power and conflict poems