How can I improve my finances? My interpretation in the comments
Got some new books
Is it okay to mix and match many different paths?
I finally gave in and bought a deck by Yves Reynaud. I got a Claude Burdel 1751 and I'm absolutely incredibly pleased with it, even though if I expected the card stock to be different. I also got two posters with Tarot sheets on em.
Hey people, is it worth to get the Universal Tarot of Marseille by Lo Scarabeo? Do you know if the quality, paper, colors hits the mark?
Fuck it, I will buy the deck. Just look at those colors!
Do you generally observe the general pagan holidays (like Imbolc, Ostara, etc) of the wheel of the year, or you only commemorate the liturgical year?
I bought myself a new rosary! It has the relics of Saint Rita. I don't know if it was blessed by the priest as the listing with it didn't have that information, but I already contacted the shop to ask if it was blessed. I might go to the church soon to bless it!
Actually my altar and practice
Has anyone used Psalm 70 in their spellwork? How did you do it?
Occult, witchy songs?
Looking for recommendations for spiritual/religious poetry
What does my spiritual/occult practice need at this current moment? 3x3 portrait spread. My interpretation in the comments
Why am I constantly sabotaging myself whenever there's an opportunity to get better? (J David Arcuri's The Answer Spread), my interpretation in the comments
This is my favourite deck to do readings with, even if I have mini decks for solitaire which are more suitable for bigger spreads. What is your fave deck to use?
Line of 5 interpretation?
Will I find a bf by the end of the year?
What's your venus sign , and what kind of person are you in love?
Struggling with my meditation practice - not sure if I'm doing anything wrong, or maybe I'm doing it right? Someone help! (neurospicy)
Is this 4 of clubs positive or negative?
Guess the sign?🤔
Written fictional works that helped you greatly in your practice?
Those who read both playing cards and Marseilles Tarot - do you use the same method for both systems (like the pip cards in Marseilles are read the same as the playing cards) or do you utilise different approach for each?
I've been dissatisfied with all the cartomantic systems out there, so after consulting various different sources I derived my own system... Here's what I have so far.
What placements would you not want to have