How do you manage all the wasted food?
Feeling lost
Never had insomnia in my life until Ciprofloxacin
I found the grade school teacher that made a positive impact on me on social media and he hit on me right away.
Jackie Kennedy is stunning
Another tofu recipe for you all!
I’m getting so much pressure from my family to have our soon to be three-year-old get the MMR vaccine. So far, our child has had zero vaccines. Has anyone just done one single measles dose vaccine and anyone know if this would be dangerous
Help 😭 I’m struggling to make this space pop but also be cohesive
He wouldn’t even try a bite :(
Amy Coney Barrett voted against Trump's effort to freeze $2 billion in foreign aid today
My daughter won't eat anything and I'm loosing it!
Yummy yummy
Tylenol use in pregnancy may not be safe?
One year post partum - no stretch marks or loose skin, just so much wider in the waist area. Will my waist ever shrink?
When and why did pizza get so damn expensive
I've successfully gone 60 days without caffeine/wheat/dairy/sugar
Breakfast sandwich
Cold tofu with Frank’s red hot
How can I fill the empty space in between mirrors?
I need your favorite make up products for a 10 minute make up routine that won't make me look like that mom who wore 80s blue eyeshadow well into the 2000s
Upper Lip Bleaching/Hair Removal for Tween Girl
New mugshot has been released
Hey guys 👋🏻
I'm surprised to find Sex and the City to be rather conservative