[HIRING] Artist to potentially work with long term!
[Hiring] Wedding gift for family
Matapang pabango mo
Prospective player here, how good really is the iRating at keeping things interesting for less skilled players?
I know its rookies, but should I report this?
I have now seen what money breeds
Why is it so hard to get out of rookies?
(28F, first time player) are… are we supposed to fall in love with Arthur???
I'm sorry doing revisions
Hi, I just started those first 2 pages of my manga one-shot project! Any feedback ?
I'm switching from American comics to manga. Feel free to roast my art!
Manga panel I’ve been working on
League of Legends on Acer Nitro 515-57 low fps
Started a 'manga'. First page; work-in-progress ..
How does one run an off cycle?
goro is autistic???????
First three pages be honest and give and be critical
Ho Chi Minh Travel Requirements
How do I color eyes?
Zbrush project
Hey, uh... where is Danny?
Ex-athlete looking for routine to achieve agile physique like Kyrie Irving's
Is there any way to get Yanagi?