Burned myself a mix of the 4 first demo tapes (starting with the 95 untitled tape)
What was your first vinyl record you received or purchased?
What song warms your heart the most? Mine is "Drain you"
Why is bubbles so underrated?
Bands/artists as constantly great as Radiohead?
Does Serj do inhale growls?
Spell your name with System Of A Down songs
Do vocal coaches do metal lessons?
Your favorite Smiths deep cut?
i cant defend morrissey anymore
Best Oasis B-Side?
Which smiths song will makes you feel the worst about yourself?
I’ll Never Suck Satan’s Dick
Vasoline sounds like Sundgarden
at the end of violent pornography, what does serj say after daron says “it’s a non stop disco”? he says something super quietly and i’ve always wondered what it is.
What's the reason you collect vinyl records?
im a big fan of trump
i used to hate the smiths
Name an album in your vinyl collection where every song is good for your soul and well-being.
What are everyone's top 5 grunge bands?
Do you guys like the album Pablo honey
is dirt the best alice in chains album?
Are there any other bands or musicians who are as perfect as radiohead?
What is Nirvana’s biggest appeal? Radio-friendly, pop adjacent songs or heavy, punk, grunge songs?
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